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Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Zaity Food offers a variety of olive oils each with its distinct qualities. Here are the main types;

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Known for its exceptional quality and rich flavor this oil is cold pressed without heat or chemicals resulting in low acidity.

2. Virgin Olive Oil; Also cold pressed but with higher acidity and a less intense taste compared to extra virgin olive oil.

3. Olive Oil (Pure Olive Oil); A blend of virgin and refined olive oils it boasts a milder flavor and lighter color profile.

4. Light Olive Oil; This refined oil has a subtle taste and not necessarily fewer calories.

5. Olive Pomace Oil; Extracted using solvents and heat from leftover olive pulp after the pressing it is considered lower in quality than other varieties.

These categories offer options for culinary needs based on factors, like flavor, acidity levels and production methods. Additionally olive oil packaging comes in forms to cater to diverse preferences.
Since 1985 our family owned business has been. Exporting top notch olive oil products. Throughout the years we have built a reputation in the worldwide market for our esteemed brands of olive oil.

When it comes to packaging options you can choose glass bottles for a touch of luxury and sophistication. If you're looking for a budget friendly choice for mass production plastic bottles are a great option that doesn't compromise on quality. For storage and shipping needs tin tanks offer durability and protection during long distance transportation.

For storage and transportation solutions Ibc tanks are the way to go with their easy stacking and movement capabilities using forklifts or pallet jacks.. If you need a space saving option, for temporary storage or transport Flex tanks can be folded away when not in use.